Dealer Complaint Form

February 07, 2025

Your Information

Dealer Information

Vehicle Information

Check if you have filed a complaint with any other agency

Check if you hired an attorney to assist you in this matter

Check if you have filed any kind of lawsuit for this matter

By selecting agree, you are electronically signing this complaint form and agreeing to the following statement: This is a formal complaint to the Kansas Department of Revenue, Division of Vehicles, Vehicle Dealer Licensing Bureau. As such, the information provided below will be used to conduct investigative efforts deemed necessary and sufficient by the Department for enforcement of the Kansas Vehicle Dealer & Manufacturer Licensing Act, K.S.A. 8-2401, et seq. The complaining party is providing this information for the express purpose of enabling the department to fulfill its statutory enforcement duties. If the result of any investigation conducted following this complaint determines violations, the licensee (dealer) found in violation, following an opportunity for administrative hearing in accordance with K.S.A. 8-2411, may be subject to fines from $50.00 to $1,000.00 or suspension, revocation or non-renewal of license or both. The Kansas Department of Revenue, Division of Vehicles, though, does not have the authority to order a dealer to deliver title to a purchaser, return to a vehicle purchaser any of the purchase price of a vehicle or perform any specific act in conjunction with a sale or service transaction with a customer.*